Our Books
American History
American Hero
A Journey Through 400 Years of American History
Primary textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
First Person American
The Story of America Through
Speeches, Confessions, Testimonies, and Love Letters
textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
The U.S. Constitution
An Owner’s Manual
textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
World History
Time Travel Tours
Your Guide to Human History
Primary textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
Mysteries That Changed History
Hot Takes on Cold Cases
Supplemental textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
Civil Discourse and How to Survive It
A Guide to Getting Along
Supplemental textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
Great for English Language Learners, too!
American Hero:A Journey Through 400 Years of American History

Primary textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
This primary textbook combines middle school American history content standards with a picaresque adventure story. A fictional teenager comes to America with Columbus, becomes an immortal being, and stands witness to the real-life birth pangs, heartbreak, breakthroughs, and ultimate promise of the United States. Over the course of four centuries of this expansive and inclusive narrative, we meet major influencers such as Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, as well as the African American, Native American, and immigrant men and women who had a profound impact on the development of the American story.
Student “Re-Action” pages are included for each chapter.
Time Travel Tours:Your Guide to Human History

Primary textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
What if time traveling aliens ran tours of human history? This primary textbook offers a firsthand, eyewitness experience to the rise and fall of civilizations on five continents. During a “week-long excursion,” a humorous tour guide leads us as we stack bricks in Mesopotamia, build pyramids in Ancient Egypt, argue with Greek philosophers, meditate with Indian gurus, scale the Great Wall of China, and stand with Galileo as he defends science. The content standards for middle school world history are covered and there is plenty of time for photo ops during the tour. Student “Re-Action” pages are included for each chapter.
First Person American:The Story of America Through
Speeches, Confessions, Testimonies, and Love Letters

textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
This inclusively curated collection of non-fiction accounts puts the reader inside history as it’s happening. Women accused of witchcraft in Salem withstand interrogation. Slaves recount their capture and their escapes. John and Abigail Adams exchange love letters as the Declaration is being debated. Women advocate for the right to participate. Native Americans urge resistance. Soldiers write home from the frontlines of the Civil War. Immigrants talk about the promise of America. Inventors discuss their inspirations. These readings and others, all with opportunities for students to answer questions and do further research, make this a vital supplemental source book for American history—and for American literature—courses.
The U.S. Constitution:An Owner’s Manual

textbook for the middle school American history curriculum
Written as an instruction guide to a valuable and complicated product, this supplemental textbook for any American history or Civics course provides information and insights into the creation and the operation of the American Constitution. Chapters on the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and other historical precedents, all seven articles of the Constitution itself and the amendments, as well as key Supreme Court decisions are all presented with embedded questions and exercises to involve and challenge students. This is a one-stop source book to fully understand this foundational document and the underpinnings of American democracy.
Mysteries That Changed History:Hot Takes on Cold Cases

Supplemental textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
In this supplemental textbook, students join an investigative team to examine hinge points in world history through unsolved or controversial crimes. Students gather facts, examine forensic material, weigh the testimony of witnesses, argue legal points, and render judgments. They gain new perspectives on historical eras marked by mysteries surrounding King Tut, Alexander the Great, Xu Fu, Anne Boleyn, Franz Ferdinand, and Mohandas Gandhi.
This book provides all the tools a teacher needs to engage students in lively debates, mock trials, or other inquiry-based projects.
Publication date: October 2019
Civil Discourse and How to Survive It:A Guide to Getting Along

Supplemental textbook for the middle school world history curriculum
One of the most important and under-served middle school subjects is Civics. This primer, a supplemental textbook for a world history course, prepares students to become informed and involved citizens. With many exercises to develop critical thinking skills about virtues, morality, ethics, law, and government, this content-rich workbook is an essential tool for integrating ancient wisdom into a modern setting.
Fun and funny, this book will help students form their own opinions and learn how to express them verbally and through organized essays in a productive and positive way.
Publication date: September 2019