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curriculum In Praise of Shop Classes: Why Vocational Training is Necessary for Academic Growth My wood shop teacher in high school was missing his pinky finger. He held it up whenever he thought a student was not showing proper respect to the power tools we used in class. “This is what happens when you don’t pay attention,” he would say. continue reading September 15, 2019
curriculum Ethnic Studies is History: New Curriculum Guidelines We applaud California’s recent attempts to broaden the curriculum in high school to include greater diversity. We all love Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln, but the American story is so much richer when we include the voices of Hispanics, African-Americans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims, immigrants of all kinds, gender non-binary folks, the differently abled, and, of course, the most glaring omission in most current history books, women. White men are wonderful, so is everybody else. continue reading September 9, 2019

curriculum Social Studies Has Become an Education Desert I wanted to research the latest trends in Social Studies. When I dutifully entered the search words into my Google window, a long menu of articles popped up. The algorithm presents the most popular sites in order. The first study was very perceptive and corresponded nicely to our mission statement at Midgard to employ “multiple perspectives of historical events,” to include “a respect for minority rights, tolerance and understanding of other beliefs.” It was written in 1999 (Cardis, Risinger), during the last century. continue reading July 27, 2019
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