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education The Best of 2020: Resolutions, Predictions, and Apprehensions for the Coming Year First of all, let’s make a resolution not to hate on each other during this inevitably divisive presidential election year. It has become fashionable to be partisan and to claim that the “other side” does not have an equal say and should not be treated respectfully or even listened to at all. Nothing could be further from the ideals of the American experiment. Historically, we have lived through much disparity and inequity, but that doesn’t mean we have to continue that way and make civil discourse worse than it already is. A pluralistic society means listening to people whose views you despise and for whom you have no patience. That’s called democracy. It’s why the founders were so nervous about democracy—it “normalizes” the opposition. It doesn’t mean you have to agree. We have the power of voting; let’s use it to speak our minds. It’s more powerful than shouting. Here’s what we predict (hope, wish, pray) for 2020: continue reading December 27, 2019
education 2019 HIGHLIGHTS: Five Historically Impactful Moments of the Year Today is the last day of the year! How does that happen? Here are a handful of highlights from the last twelve months, a review of a preview of history. Of course, this is highly subjective—and limited by a handful. If you have any burning items that we somehow did not include, please send them along and we’ll do a follow up on everything we missed. continue reading December 27, 2019

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