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education Teaching the Unthinkable When David Lee Miller and I set out to write the children’s picture book, The Cat Who Lived with Anne Frank, we strongly believed that a new generation of young people needed to learn more about the events of World War II and the Holocaust. What better way than to tell a true story from the point of view of a cat who was really present at one of the most dramatic stories that came out of the war. Yes, a cat really lived in an Amsterdam attic with Anne Frank, Peter Van Pels, and six other Jews. continue reading June 21, 2019
Cool projects History is Our Story “StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.” continue reading June 21, 2019

education Jordan O.'s Guest Student Blog Last year in my Humanities class, I had Stuart as my teacher. His methods for teaching were both unusual and fantastic. He used a collection of books he wrote to convey what he was teaching in a unique and interesting way. These books deliver history in very fascinating and distinct way that gives a sense of the times and culture for the subject period. continue reading June 8, 2019
American Hero Illustrated Secrets of American Hero American Hero was as much a treat to design as it is to read. Readers are treated to an exciting 400-year adventure through the eyes of an immortal being, the Zemi. Inspired by this premise, the book is designed to look like the Zemi’s treasure-trove of journal notes and ephemera collected through the decades, assembled into a book in hopes that the rest of us will learn a thing or two. And be grateful we didn’t go through what he did. continue reading May 31, 2019

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