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Alternative Education Foundation American Hero Finds Sweet Spot in Florida Congratulations to the students and teachers at AEF (Alternative Education Foundation). This Fort Lauderdale K-12 private school, focused on developing cognitive skills, is so excited about starting American Hero for their eighth grade students that they’re introducing it at the end of this school term, not waiting for the fall. continue reading May 1, 2019
American Hero Illustrated Secrets of American Hero American Hero was as much a treat to design as it is to read. Readers are treated to an exciting 400-year adventure through the eyes of an immortal being, the Zemi. Inspired by this premise, the book is designed to look like the Zemi’s treasure-trove of journal notes and ephemera collected through the decades, assembled into a book in hopes that the rest of us will learn a thing or two. And be grateful we didn’t go through what he did. continue reading May 31, 2019

American Hero Whose Story Is It? I once had a parent who demanded a conference with me and my principal because she objected to a lesson I gave tracing Thomas Jefferson’s political philosophy through John Locke and, before him, to Abu Bakr ibn Tufayl. It wasn’t the Scottish philosopher she was upset about, but the Arab. She contended that referencing Arabs in an early American history course was inappropriate, if not wrong. Luckily, my principal allowed me to walk her through the direct influence Islamic thinkers have had on republican democracies. At times, (non-Native) parents have questioned whether the Iroquois really deserve to be considered influencers on the U.S. Constitution. (Non-African-American) parents have also wondered why I have to “talk about black people so much.” I’ve gotten similar comments about Jewish influencers and historic figures who were gay, lesbian, or gender non-normative. continue reading June 8, 2019
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