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Cool projects History is Our Story “StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.” continue reading June 21, 2019
best practices Discovering Midgard I was a wild child, too restless for my school in the rough streets of Brooklyn, and I spent more time in the principal’s office than in the classroom. In the fourth grade, functionally illiterate, I earned special placement—in the corner of the class. My teacher, Mrs. Coleman, dropped a stack of comic books next to me and told me to make something out of these. continue reading April 17, 2019

best practices Screened Out Scanning screens is a fast and furious distraction, but it leaves me exhausted, anxious, vaguely frustrated, and even sometimes inexplicably depressed. I get the opposite feeling from holding a book in my hands and reading words in glorious black and white. Reading slows things down enough to actually feel like you’re learning or that you’ve been someplace beautiful or magical. continue reading April 17, 2019
best practices The Dinner Party Imagine a dinner party with Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, Crazy Horse, and Emma Goldman. Or the guests might be Confucius, Sundiata, Elizabeth I, and Napoleon. I would love to cater that. And I did. Every year my class culminated with such a “dinner party.” The food might have been pizza, but the conversation sparkled. continue reading April 17, 2019

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