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education Dear America, You’re Failing: American Reading, Math, and Citizenship Scores Lowest Ever Hi kids. We need to talk. We just got your report card back and there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that you’re failing. According to the National Assessment of Education Progress, you were down to 34% in reading proficiency two years ago, and it’s significantly worse now. (The Nation’s Report Card in 2019 found that less than a third of eighth graders were reading “proficiently” or at grade level). continue reading November 4, 2019
education School’s Secret Lesson: The Social Life of a Teenager Socialization is the secret reason we send kids to schools in the first place. Interpersonal relationships, emotional regulation, social-emotional intelligence, these are every bit as valuable to young people as geometry, geology, and geography. continue reading August 23, 2019

education Communicating with students: How to Talk to a Teenager Since the beginning of time, adults have been stymied by one unsolvable problem; how to talk to teenagers. The rookie mistake everyone makes is to ask, that time-worn and always frustrating question, “How was your day?” Face it. You don’t really want to know about their hormonal variations, which form the bulk of their day, and they don’t want to tell you. However, some people think communication is important, and certainly for teachers, who spend a lot of time with teens, it helps to know them a little. Here are five easy steps in backwards order to breach those adolescent walls. continue reading August 18, 2019
education Jordan O.'s Guest Student Blog Last year in my Humanities class, I had Stuart as my teacher. His methods for teaching were both unusual and fantastic. He used a collection of books he wrote to convey what he was teaching in a unique and interesting way. These books deliver history in very fascinating and distinct way that gives a sense of the times and culture for the subject period. continue reading June 8, 2019

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